You have come to the right place if you are looking for help to visually capture the most important highlights from your event. Or boost your own visualization skills.

As graphic facilitator and visual practitioner, I offer visual recordings and courses in graphic facilitation.

Both on paper and digitally - armed with my iPad.



Visual recording

Want to remember what happened, and what was said? Then let me record it visually.

I perform real time visual recordings either on my iPad for live-streaming or with markers on large-scale pieces of paper.

Visual recordings are ideal for talks, debates, conferences, seminars etc. where loads of information are shared with a large audience.

Courses in graphic facilitation.

Want to learn how to do it yourself? Then book a course where you learn the how to do graphic facilitation.

I teach the basic principles of graphic facilitation for you to apply the concept in your own organisation. The courses are always tailored to the specific context you are working in.

Reach out and let’s have a chat about how you can use graphic facilitation to better share your ideas.


Get in touch.


I’m based in Copenhagen, but I work with organisations all over the world. Let’s get in touch and explore the possibilities for collaborating.
+45 2084-4513

Baldersgade 76, 4. tv.
2200 Copenhagen N.